At Cambric we are committed to continuously innovate in the areas that matter most to healthcare organisations
We work with stakeholders at every level of the NHS, garnering valuable insights into the unique and complex challenges faced by healthcare services when migrating to new digital systems and processes.
Community Health & Social Care
Morse and mForms empower health care professionals working in the community by providing patient information that can be amended and updated securely while out and about. Morse is a ‘mobile first, offline first’ system that does not require a live network connection, records are synched when the user is next online.
Morse provides instant access to third-party patient information systems (EPR), so that health care workers such as district nurses, social and community care, and physiotherapists do not need to go into the office or clinic, saving significant time which can instead be spent with patients.
mForms provides paperless forms, that can be completed with the patient via an iPad. The online repository has 2,500 templates, which have been contributed by NHS health boards and trusts, significantly reducing the time spent to recreate forms locally.
Primary Care
Cambric’s mix of desktop-based patient information systems and mobile app is ideal for use in primary care settings, where the new Integrated Care Systems (ICS) in England and the Integrated Joint Boards (IJB) in Scotland need access to shared patient information.
Hospital wards, GP surgeries, walk-in clinics and optometrists are a few examples of services that currently benefit from fast access to patient records using Cambric technology.
Acute Care
Cambric has a proven track record working with Acute trusts in Scotland. Topas, our Patient Administration System is designed specifically for UK hospitals. Its modular approach means health boards and trusts are able to integrate seamlessly with other clinical and patient information systems to provide clinicians with a complete patient record within one system.
Our Cortix digital ward solution provides a range of options for ward management including wireless handovers, ward boards, admissions boards, and task management. Cortix provides safety checks that support observations and early warning scores (EWS) while eliminating paper forms and providing an audit trail to support real time compliance tracking.
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs)
Morse and mForms can be deployed to Allied Health Professionals (such as therapists, chiropodists/podiatrists, dieticians, operating department practitioners, orthoptists, osteopaths, paramedics, physiotherapists, prosthetists, and orthotists) enabling the fast and accurate capture of treatment provided to contribute to a complete health care record for patients.