For Community, Clinics, NTCs,
CTACs & Acute Settings
Secure mobile access to up-to-date patient information
Morse solves the problem of how to provide efficient, accurate and secure mobile records to health care professionals who are working in the community or away from their normal place of work.
The Morse app enables users to simply download their latest patient updates at the start of their day, complete their rounds, updating patient information as they go, and then periodically sync it back to the main system when there is a secure network connection.
Morse gives access to patient information which can be collated from many different systems, providing both historic and current care activities, ensuring that the clinician is fully informed at all times. Originally designed for an iPad, the Morse app has an intuitive user interface making navigation and form filling quick and easy, so that the clinician can capture accurate data while with the patient. It works on both iPads and laptops, providing essential patient records, calendars and forms even when there is no Wi-Fi signal.
Morse transforms the working practices of community healthcare professionals and improves patient safety through better visibility of patient information and increased communication between services.
When you invest in Morse, your organisation benefits from all existing functionality and can contribute to feature development via the Morse Steering Group - no hidden fees or per-module costs!
Morse is:
Offline First
Latest and historical patient information is available to the user with or without an internet connection, improving patient safety where it is most needed, at the point of care.
Morse is an agnostic system. It connects to any existing 3rd party system to provide the user with instant access to current data. Patient information can be updated offline and automatically pushed back to the 3rd party systems when a secure internet connection is established.
Morse consolidates existing paper based workflows into a digital format using digital-form and ePen technologies. Paper admin is greatly reduced, allowing for more time with the patient therefore improving patient care.
Team collaboration is at the heart of Morse. Flexible task scheduling and a secure direct-messaging service ensure that each and every team member has the latest caseload information at their fingertips.
Morse intelligently builds upon your company's existing business rules by triggering actions based on user interaction. For example, the completion of a form containing a specific data input can automatically generate a referral via SCI Gateway.
The Morse platform can easily scale to support your organisation’s changing needs.
Features & Benefits
Calendar - Multiple views of your schedule, providing relevant patient information including alerts, admissions & discharges. View team and user availability for patient bookings. When connected to NHS Office365, view your Outlook and Morse appointments within the Morse calendar.
Caseload - Simply access and manage your patient cases. Capture minimum dataset-compliant data while you work. Assign multiple clinicians, complete clinical forms and have full visibility of the care provided within the case.
Electronic Forms - Start, complete and revise clinical forms and optionally publish to other systems including SCI Store for wider visibility of patient care provision.
Inbox - Access notifications sent to you and your team. Jump straight to the notified content directly from the inbox item.
Messaging - Message other Morse users & teams, in patient context. All messages are recorded against the Morse patient record and visible to all users.
Referrals - Fully-featured referral functionality - send and receive referrals from within Morse or via SCI Gateway.
Reports - In-built support for CHAD, AHP Operational Measures, SMR00 and many other 'national minimum dataset' report types. Additionally, pre-built reports for managing your team cases and appointments.
Team Allocation - The Team Allocation functionality offers teams a facility to view and manage team resource, and allocate appointments in a simple, efficient manner.
Integrations - Morse supports interoperability with many NHS and Social Care platforms, including SCI Store, SCI Gateway, EDT, Orion Portal, TrakCare, Office 365, NetCall, eCare and many more. Our web-service based API offers even more integration options.
Morse Steering Group - A national group formed to support ongoing development and enhancements to the Morse platform. Development hours are included within the annual Morse subscription plan.