Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership deploys Morse EPR app to transform information sharing across child safeguarding teams
Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP) brings NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council services together to benefit local communities. The organisation works closely with GPs, community nurses, social workers, voluntary sector colleagues and mental health teams to deliver joined-up care and avoid unnecessary admissions to hospital.
ACHSCP’s Health Visiting Service assesses the developmental health and wellbeing of all children between the ages of ten days to five years. With only paper-based systems to rely on, the time had come to introduce an electronic system to alleviate the administrative burden and further protect the 12,500 children in the Partnership’s care.
Top challenges were to:
free up valuable Health Visiting time for patient care
simplify the recording of information
reduce the need to duplicate information
improve communication within and between teams
accelerate the submission of accurate data for national reporting
facilitate effective participation with Inter-Agency Referral Discussions (IRD)
demonstrate compliance with Scottish Healthcare legislation and policies
attract the best staff and support the organisation’s ongoing recruitment programmes.
After evaluating 10 solutions on the marketplace, ACHSCP selected the Morse Electronic Patient Records (EPR) app from Cambric Systems for the Health Visiting Service. Going live in December 2019, the system provides powerful information sharing across the organisation and has since been deployed into the School Nursing Service.
Key highlights:
Significant time & cost savings – around 7,600 hours and £230,000 each year
Positive user feedback – 93% of staff say they would be happy to recommend the Morse solution to a colleague
Care in a crisis – by supporting remote work. 76% of staff felt Morse enabled them to better manage their children and family’s needs throughout the COVID-19 response.
“The implementation of Morse has provided the Health Visiting Service with a product that brings the service in line with others in Scotland and allows for electronic scheduling and an electronic Community Child Health Record. It allows for local and national reporting to be conducted which would otherwise be difficult and time consuming to collate due to the distribution of data held in paper records.”
— Michelle Grant, Senior Project Manager, Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership